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Media attacks on Miliband ‘small’ compared to Corbyn

MEDIA demonisation of Ed Miliband will “pale into insignificance” compared to attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, an ally of Labour’s new leader has warned.

Mr Corbyn appealed at the weekend for an end to the “appalling abuse” that his family was subjected to during the leadership campaign.

But Norwich South MP Clive Lewis, a former BBC journalist, said he expected things to get worse.

“Without a doubt, what happened to Ed will pale into insignificance compared to what’s going to happen to Jeremy, those around him and the Labour movement,” he said.

But Mr Lewis, who is tipped to become Mr Corbyn’s private parliamentary secretary, said that supporters would “build a movement around Jeremy.”

“The bigger the success of the social movement, the more resonance that will have,” he said.

“Because these (journalists) are intelligent people and they’re also people who can see he’s connecting with new people, rejuvenating our democracy, so: ‘Perhaps we should give it a hearing.’

“Jeremy is not going to take part in that yah-boo politics and I would hope the media will respect that he’s trying to do politics differently.”

Speaking on Saturday, Mr Corbyn said: “The amount of abuse that has been heaped on my ­widest extended family has been utterly disgraceful. I hope the media feel asahmed of themselves.”



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