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Rogue landlords ‘counting down the days’ for protection to lapse, warn Scottish Greens

ROGUE landlords are “counting down the days” to the expiry of rent controls, the Scottish Greens warned today.

A temporary Scottish government cap on rent increases will lapse at the end of this month, leaving tenants at the mercy of the market until the Housing (Scotland) Bill, now at stage two in Holyrood, is passed.

The legislation would allow councils to impose rent control zones, cap rises at one per cent above inflation, but cannot come into force until 2027.

Scottish Green MSP Maggie Chapman warned: “Unless the SNP acts, cowboy landlords will be counting down the days until April 1.

“The housing market is broken. We need more and better regulations if we are to tackle the rising cost of housing — not fewer.

“Landlords already hold far too much power over renters, many of whom are struggling to pay their bills and keep a safe, secure roof over their heads.

“Homes should be for living in, not for profiteering.”

SNP housing minister Paul McLennan said protections continue to be in place against rent increases above market rent for most private tenants after the cap ends.

But his words did little to reassure tenants’ union Living Rent, whose chairwoman Aditi Jehangir said: “Open market rent is not a marker of what is affordable for tenants.

“It is appalling that this government believes that tenants challenging above market increases is strong enough protection. 

“No increase is affordable for tenants right now.

“The protections in the Housing Bill will only come into effect in 2027.

“Until then, tenants will be hit by a tidal wave of uncapped rents which will push people into poverty and force people out of their communities. 

“This government is deserting tenants.”


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