CHANCELLOR Rachel Reeves’s promise to knock a penny off a pint appears to have fallen short after industry leaders warn today that prices are actua
LOCAL authorities in England are facing a funding crisis which could threaten essential statutory services to the most vulnerable, the Local Govern
RMT seafarers at Foreland Shipping, which provides strategic sealift services to the Ministry of Defence, overwhelmingly rejected the company’s pay
POOR job quality is costing the economy up to £41 billion a year, with 1.77 million workers suffering job-related ill-health, according to a report
CLEANERS at the Old Bailey escalated their fight against outsourcing plans by launching a full week of strike action today.
SCOTLAND’S voluntary sector has faced real-terms cuts in public funding of £177 million since 2021, and many now fear for their future, according
WALES has become the first country in Britain to remove profit from both residential and foster care for children, the government has said.
LECTURERS at Sheffield Hallam University walked out on strike for 48 hours today over withheld pay.
THE Scottish government must invest more in social security to meet its target of slashing child poverty by the end of the decade, according to a l
BANKS, businesses and ATMs could be left without cash as more than 1,000 G4S workers vote to strike over a real-terms pay cut, GMB said today.