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NHS England to cut workforce by half

THOUSANDS of NHS jobs are expected to be slashed under new plans that will be a “nightmare” for health workers.

Restructuring at NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) could see the “size of the centre decrease by around half,” NHS leaders announced on Monday.

As many as 6,500 jobs at NHS England could be at risk.

The latest cuts plan comes just weeks after the body revealed proposals to reduce organisational structure by 15 per cent. 

Unison head of health Helga Pile said: “What was already a stressful prospect has now become more like a nightmare.
“Fixing a broken NHS needs a proper plan, with central bodies resourced and managed effectively so local services are supported.
“Rushing through cuts brings a risk of creating a further, more complicated mess and could ultimately hold the NHS back.”

NHS Confederation chief executive Matthew Taylor said: “These changes are happening at a scale and pace not anticipated to begin with, but given the huge savings that the NHS needs to make this year, it makes sense to reduce areas of duplication at a national level and for the NHS to be led by a leaner centre.”


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