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Unite to ballot university workers on pensions attack

THE University of Strathclyde could face strike action unless it bins plans for a “cash grab” on workers’ pensions, Unite warned today.

The union has opened a ballot of about 350 members, including technicians, cleaners, security and estates staff, affected by the university’s plans to access a £100m pension surplus by moving them from Strathclyde Pension Scheme and into a superannuation scheme branded “inferior” by Unite.

Unite regional co-ordinating officer Alison MacLean called on the university to tackle “eye-watering executive pay” such as the £401,000 coined-in by vice-chancellor professor Sir Jim McDonald in 2023, rather than cut pensions to some its lowest-paid workers who have already seen the value of their pay eroded by £7,400 since 2019.

She said: “It is a reckless cash grab on a pension surplus that our members have funded to allow the university to improve its short-term financial position. 

“Unite will fight this inch by inch and through prolonged industrial action if necessary.” 

The ballot will close on Monday February 10.

A spokesperson for the University of Strathclyde said: “A decision regarding the pension proposal has not yet been made.”


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