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Two in three adults in Scotland support ban on conversion therapy

TWO in three adults in Scotland support a ban on so-called conversion therapy, which seeks to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

The poll, commissioned by LGBTI+ organisation Equality Network, found that on sexual orientation, only 13 per cent were against a ban, with 12 per cent opposed regarding gender identity.

Support for banning the practice in both areas was strong for both women and men, but women were slightly more likely to support a ban on both. There was strong for a ban among parents.

Equality Network CEO Dr Rebecca Don Kennedy said the practices cause “significant mental and physical harm” and “perpetuate the notion that to be LGBTI+ is something that is wrong and that must be ‘fixed’.

“Scotland must move forward with ending these practices, so that all lesbian, gay, bi, asexual, trans and non-binary people in Scotland can be free to live their lives without fear, shame, or being subject to what, in some cases, amounts to torture,” she said.


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