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Climate activists disrupt City of London insurance conference

ACTIVISTS stormed an insurance conference in the City of London today, urging workers to cut ties with firms enabling climate destruction.

Extinction Rebellion protesters sat in a cardboard replica of a sinking Lamborghini sports car, which had been transformed into a karaoke booth, and invited passers-by to join them in singing songs about quitting their jobs.

Activists impersonating insurance workers read satirical tabloid newspapers such the Daily Fail, which had a front page reading: “Fire, flood, famine — but insurance CEOs laugh all the way to the bank.”

Inside the conference, hosted by insurance broker Howden and aptly called “Is Another World Possible?”, activists gave speeches about escalating environmental threats.

Students from Insure Tomorrow and Education Climate Coalition occupied the lobby, holding a banner saying “no new workers for fossil fuel insurers.”

A recent KPMG survey identified a rise in “climate quitting” among 18 to 24-year-olds, with a third turning down a job to avoid working for a firm with poor environmental commitments.

Insure Our Survival spokesperson Lucy Porter said: “Insurance staff — it’s time for you to rise up against senior management who are forcing you to be complicit in the destruction of their own futures. 

“Don’t let your CEO make you part of a climate crime that threatens to kill billions. He is burning your future to keep making a killing.

“We know it’s scary and tough, but the world needs you to rise up and tell your bosses to stop insuring oil, gas and coal.”


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