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Team-building activities disliked by a third of workers, survey shows

A THIRD of employees dislike work team-building activities, a new Acas survey has found.

One in five workers also revealed they do not like after-hours drinks or any social activity with colleagues.

Dan Ellis, interim chief executive of the conciliation service Acas, which commissioned the poll, said: “Work social activities can be a great way for employers to improve their staff morale, well-being and rapport among colleagues.

“Our survey has found that more than a quarter of employees like different types of social engagements at work.

“However, it is clear from our poll that certain activities are more popular than others and some employees dislike certain social situations with their workmates.

“The good boss will talk to their staff, find out what team-building and social activities will get everyone motivated and think about different activities that can appeal across the workforce.

“The secret is to ask, listen, respond and not just assume everyone will enjoy a specific activity, just because one person does.”


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