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HUNDREDS of hospital workers will go on strike for two days at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Foundation Trust today in a “historic” action.
Unison launched its Fair Pay for Patient Care campaign to end healthcare support staff being paid less than they should be for their jobs in 2021.
But today’s walkout is the first time healthcare support staff in London have taken industrial action independently of the union’s national NHS dispute over the issue.
Striking healthcare assistant Tracey Snipp said: “So many of our colleagues have been forced to leave because they simply can’t make ends meet on our current wages.
“They can’t afford to feed their families or keep a roof over their heads.
“We provide the majority of patient care — around 70 per cent — and all we’re asking is to be paid fairly for the work we do.”
The workers involved are employed on band 2 of the NHS Agenda for Change pay scale but regularly perform clinical tasks that should be compensated at the higher band 3 pay level.
Moving them to this band would result in up to £2,000 in annual pay rises but the trust has refused to do this, the union said.
Unison general secretary Christina McAnea, who will join the workers on the picket line at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Greenwich and University Hospital Lewisham as they begin their strike, said: “These workers aren’t asking for special treatment, just fairness.
“The trust has been underpaying support staff for years. They’ve been forced to carry out clinical tasks beyond their pay band, without fair compensation. Enough is enough.
“Across the country, similar disputes have been fought and resolved, with fair agreements reached elsewhere. It’s time Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust followed suit.”
A spokesperson for Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust said: “Our HCAs are valued and essential members of TeamLGT. We respect their right to strike and will take all necessary steps to appropriately care for patients during this industrial action.
“We are in ongoing consultation with the Unions and are committed to keeping our colleagues up to date and informed throughout this process.”