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London Renters Union celebrates after disabled mother saved from eviction

CAMPAIGNERS were celebrating yesterday (Thurs) after the threat of eviction of a disabled mother and her family was brought to a halt.

London Renters Union (LRU) protested outside the Stratford offices of Local Space, the charitable housing association which issued the eviction. 

Cynthia fell into arrears last year after she was moved from legacy benefits onto universal credit. The mother-of-two was served an eviction notice in summer 2024.

The bulk of the arrears have since been settled through a repayment plan with the support of the local council. 

Local Space postponed the eviction — but LRU said it had not stopped the court proceedings, leaving the family still vulnerable to speedy eviction in the future.

Cynthia, who is an LRU member, said: “I was completely shocked when the charity made it clear they were still threatening my family with eviction, even though we’ve paid back most of the rent arrears.

“This doesn’t feel fair at all. Me and my two children have been really stressed, worrying sick about where we will live in a few months’ time.”

The government is currently rolling out plans to impose £6 billion of welfare cuts while continuing to hike rents more than inflation for social tenants.

An LRU spokesperson said: “Disabled renters are already more vulnerable to eviction and homelessness and the current wave of attacks on disabled people from the government are only set to make things worse. 

“The only choice we have right now is to come together as a community and defend each other from exploitation and mistreatment.”

Mark Kent, deputy CEO of Local Space, said the firm “will not be requesting a possession order from the court, the eviction is not going ahead, however as a process of the courts Local Space will need to attend the hearing to instruct an adjournment of the case.”

“There will be no further action related to this case and we will liaise with Cynthia to offer our continued support and ensure all matters are resolved.”


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