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HEAD TEACHERS have slammed a Senedd debate today to ban mobile phones in Welsh schools.
Laura Doel, of school leaders union NAHT Cymru, called the debate “an unnecessary distraction” from more pressing issues facing schools, including funding shortfalls, support for pupils with additional learning needs and the staff recruitment and retention crisis.
“All have an enormous impact on schools’ ability to deliver the first-class education all children deserve, and we urge the Welsh government and Senedd members to make it their new year’s resolution to urgently address these issues,” she said.
The Senedd petitions’ committee met in a private session to discuss a petition calling for a ban on mobile phones in schools.
This petition was submitted by parent Zena Blackwell and collected 2,857 signatures.
“Individual schools know their pupils and communities so are best placed to develop their policies when it comes to mobile phones in schools according to what works for them and pupils’ education and wellbeing,” Ms Doel said.