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Tories are on the run: Finish ’Em!

The stage is set today for a huge rally to further unsettle Number 10, in defence of schools, homes, the NHS...

TENS of thousands of people are expected to fill Trafalgar Square today to rebuke a bickering Tory Party over its systematic mishandling of the economy, of the NHS, of education and housing.

Organisers the People’s Assembly are hopeful that this will be the biggest anti-austerity demonstration ever in opposition to the “cynical, unjust and divisive cuts” driven through by the government.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell, writing exclusively in the Star ahead of the rally, said opposition is growing by the day.

He said: “Today’s demonstration is the latest in a long line of protests against the cruel and unnecessary policy of austerity.

“For six years we have marched against George Osborne and David Cameron’s spending cuts. Now, slowly but surely, we are starting to turn the tide on this government.

“Just look at what has happened in the last month. George Osborne’s callous Budget has been torn to shreds.

“When he tried to take £3,000 off the disabled for a £3,000 tax break paid to just 0.3 per cent of taxpayers, including the very richest in the country, the public revulsion was immense.”

People’s Assembly national secretary Sam Fairbairn accused the Tories of being “increasingly out of touch” with ordinary people.

“Every time they say ‘we’re all in it together’ it’s another slap round the face of millions of people,” he said.

“The revelations that have unfolded with the Panama Papers show the super-rich hiding their wealth in tax havens on an industrial scale.

“This means they avoid taxes that would pay for all the social benefits that are currently under attack and people are understandably angry.”

He warned of “big unrest” across the country to come.

“We call for Cameron to resign and for the Tories to be booted out of office,” he added.

Unite, which is also backing the march, said: “We face a vicious government who prioritise only the richest in society, big business and the corporations.

“With the potential of four more years of a government which will continue dismantling the NHS, furthering the housing crisis, taking away workers’ rights, and attacking our education system — it’s time to get back on the streets and to demonstrate that the majority won’t take it.

“The Tories aren’t going to back down easily so it’s up to each and every one of us to get out and march for our health, homes, jobs and education.”

Newly launched groups Councillors Against Austerity will be joining the march, bringing together politicians on local councils fighting cuts.

Already more than 150 councillors across the country have joined to help unsettle the government and push for an end to destructive cutbacks.

Singers from the NHS Choir will be taking the stage ahead of a wide range of speakers.

The demonstration, which begins at 11am, will march from Gower Street at 2pm to Trafalgar Square.


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