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Nothing will happen
Amy Acre
We’ll both go to our own homes tonight.
But first we’ll occupy space in a room
where the terrain is other people;
it’s swampy with their trodden wants.
Where we stand although the
gaps in our conversation
are big enough to fill with our bodies.
Where the lines on my palm
are a poem your neck can’t read.
Where you use the word ‘ontological’
and I hear nothing else and your lips
always look like you’ve just licked them.
Where I get the wrong one of us drunk
and refuse my own advances and slip out
while regret is smoking on the pavement.
I go home with gmail, twitter, facebook
but take your face with me: febrile, damp,
surprised, as if you’d just been running.
Amy Acre is a writer and performer from London. Her pamphlet, Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads, published by flipped eye, was selected as the PBS Autumn 2015 Pamphlet Choice and as one of the Poetry School's best books of 2015. See her perform at Collaborators, the Well Versed at this year’s Stoke Newington Literary Festival. Also featuring Adam Kammerling, AK Blakemore, Inua Ellams, Jonny Fluffypunk, Niall O’Sullivan, Karen Hayley, Sophie Fenella and Tangerine Press. DJ sets until 2am from Sterling Roswell (Spacemen 3) and John the Revelator. Friday 3rd June, Haunt, free entry. Details:
Well Versed is edited by Jody Porter (
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