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Cuts to pay have left teachers ashamed of job

A UNION rep who is fourth generation of his family to become a teacher has said that attacks on pay and standards have left him “embarrassed” of the profession.

Josh Wright told NASUWT conference on Saturday that he “used to be proud” to say he was following in the footsteps of his parents and grandparents.

But speaking in a debate over cuts to teachers’ pay, he said seeing his family of teachers struggle had left him deeply disillusioned.

Mr Wright told the conference how his grandmother, who died recently, didn’t have a big enough pension to pay for a “decent nursing home in the last weeks of her life.”

After his dad, who taught maths for 27 years, died, his mum was left with just a £5,000 pension.

Teachers have seen a 15 per cent real-terms cut in their pay since the Tories took power in 2010 and imposed their public-sector pay freeze.

And the Devon teacher said: “I ask you why would anyone do this job if this is what society feels the job is worth?

“When the job won’t pay all the bills, allow teachers to save for houses or reasonable pensions, or allow us to save for our kids’ uni fees — why would anyone do this job? I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know if I would recommend the profession anymore.”

Young teacher Tasmin Clube said she was still forced to live with her parents because she couldn’t afford her own home on a full-time teacher’s wage.

NASUWT members voted unanimously to continue their campaign for improved pay by “all appropriate means, including industrial action.”


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