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Dennis Skinner speaks out over Cameron and cronies' NHS 'wrecking spree'

LABOUR MP Dennis Skinner accused ex-Bullingdon buffoon David Cameron yesterday of unleashing a wrecking spree in the NHS.

Tories let out grunts of protest as Mr Skinner tackled the Oxford posh-boy Prime Minister over growing waiting lists, debt-ridden hospitals and vicious curbs on nurses’ pay.

Amid mounting noise, the Bolsover MP glared at Mr Cameron and asked: “As a member of the Bullingdon Club, is he proud to be surrounded by this wreckage?”

Mr Skinner said he was a regular user of the NHS, and he knew from the front line that nurses had suffered considerable cuts in real pay, and A&E departments were “bursting at the seams.”

Furthermore, almost every hospital was running into financial difficulties.

The Prime Minister must stop blaming the last Labour government for the problems of the NHS, said Mr Skinner.

Then he roared at Mr Cameron: “Get it done, or get out!”

Mr Cameron retorted that there were 4,000 more nurses and 7,000 more doctors in the NHS than when this government came to power.

“That is why we can treat more patients with more staff — a record that we can all be proud of,” he bellowed.

Labour leader Ed Miliband joined in the NHS charge, showering the PM with statistics on worsening waiting times.

The number of patients waiting longer than four hours in A&E had soared from 353,000 to 939,000 under this government, complained Mr Miliband.

But Mr Cameron insisted: “You can now see the NHS being properly invested in and improving.”


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