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Care UK workers lobby firm's owners

YORKSHIRE healthcare workers lobbied the London headquarters of an investment firm yesterday in their latest action to defend their pay, jobs and services.

Private equity investor Bridgepoint owns Care UK, a private provider of health and social care services which is cashing in on the coalition government’s privatisation of public services.

Care UK staff are currently staging a two-week strike for the living wage of £7.65 an hour, bringing the number of days of strike action since February to 48.

“In total members have seen their pay cut by up to 35 per cent which makes it impossible for them to meet the most basic costs of living,” said care union Unison regional organiser Jim Bell.

“Care UK has forced our members into strike action causing them great personal hardship and anxiety.”

The strikers were employed by the NHS in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, but contracted to Doncaster Council to look after vulnerable people with mental health and other issues in the community, enabling them to maintain an independent existence.

Under government competition rules, the council had to put the service up for tender and Care UK undercut the NHS bid, winning the contract after 68 years of nationalised service.

After 150 workers’ jobs were transferred to Care UK, the firm quickly set about attacking pay and conditions, slashing wages by up to 35 per cent — £6,000 — axing overtime, holidays and sick pay.

Staff voted solidly to resist and won widespread support in the Doncaster district when they took repeated strike action.

But Care UK responded aggressively, bringing in scab labour and putting them up in hotels.

Bridgepoint has promised to look into the workers’ concerns but has not done so.

Mr Bell said the visit to Bridgepoint’s headquarters was intended to demand fairness.

“They are trying to protect the service they provide because as the company is not paying a fair rate, skilled and dedicated staff are being forced to seek work elsewhere,” he said.

“It is the vulnerable clients and their families who are suffering terribly.”


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