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SCOTS will rally in Glasgow’s George Square tomorrow to demand a general election.
A demo organised by the People’s Assembly will seek to unify voters on both sides of the Brexit divide in a message of opposition to Boris Johnson’s suspension of the UK Parliament.
Protesters will hear from speakers from unions and trades councils from 1.30pm in George Square.
People’s Assembly Scotland secretary Keith Stoddart said: “No matter how you voted in the EU referendum, what Boris and the Tory party are doing now cuts through all that division.
“The only way out of the democratic disaster he is leading us into, is for a complete change of government.”
From 2.30pm a second demonstration organised by Another Europe Is Possible, which campaigns for a second referendum on EU membership, will take place in the square. This will be addressed by Labour MP Paul Sweeney and lawyer Aamer Anwar.
Mr Stoddart added: “The Tories need to be removed now and replaced with a government that has the interest of our class at the heart of its policies and not the interests of a minority Tory government who only pander to the rich elite.
“This affront to democracy needs to be reversed and the only real option is for a general election. Boris and his cronies have shown their true colours and are prepared to do anything to cling onto power, even it means running roughshod over any pretence of defending that democracy.”
Elsewhere, Jeremy Corbyn visited marginal constituencies being targeted by Labour in the event of a snap general election on the second day of his visit to Scotland.
In Glasgow South West, where Labour was just 41 votes away from taking the seat from the SNP in 2017, he met with Westminster candidate and Communication Workers’ Union Scottish political secretary Matt Kerr.
He then travelled to Shotts, North Lanarkshire, where he met with activists campaigning to save the Faskine and Woodhall green belt.
Tomorrow morning he will address a rally in Springburn, in the Glasgow North East constituency narrowly won by Labour at the last election.