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Davidson's spokesman confirms she supports Johnson suspending UK Parliament

RUTH DAVIDSON supports Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend the UK Parliament, her spokesman insisted after her shock resignation today.

The Scottish Tory leader said she had decided to quit her post because of personal circumstances, arguing that “spending hundreds of hours away from my home and family now fills me with dread.” She described the situation as “no way to lead.”

Ms Davidson has repeatedly clashed with Boris Johnson.

The PM had dealt a blow to her authority immediately on taking office, sacking Scotland secretary David Mundell despite Ms Davidson’s pleas.

The Scottish Tory leader had previously blocked Mr Johnson from attending this year’s Scottish Tory conference, fearing he would use it to boost his leadership ambitions. 

But after her resignation Ms Davidson’s spokesman insisted that Mr Johnson’s leadership was “not at all” the cause of her decision.

Asked if Ms Davidson supported the prorogation of Parliament at Westminster the spokesman replied: “She supports the Prime Minister’s approach to this … yes.”

Ms Davidson said “both professional and personal” changes had prompted her decision to resign.

She described a feeling of “conflict” over Brexit.

She insisted she had “never sought to hide” this but had “attempted to chart a course for our party which recognises and respects the referendum result” while mitigating potential damage to Scotland’s economy.

Ms Davidson, who was elected to lead the Scottish Conservatives shortly after becoming an MSP in 2011, said the birth of her son Finn last year changed her attitude to her work-life balance.

“I have to be honest that, where the idea of getting on the road to fight two elections in 20 months would once have fired me up, the threat of spending hundreds of hours away from my home and family now fills me with dread,” she said.

“Additionally I fear that, having tried to be a good leader over the years, I have proved a poor daughter, sister, partner and friend.”

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard said: “There is no doubt that Ruth Davidson has been responsible for the increase in support for her party in Scotland and her departure as leader will be a massive setback for them.

“However, the timing can be no coincidence and shows clearly that Boris Johnson’s conduct as Prime Minister isn’t acceptable even to those who share his politics.

“I wish Ruth and her family all the best for the future.”


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