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Commie Chef: Potato and Apple Soup

Sweet and earthy flavours combine in a winning combination

This is an unusual, but in my view winning, combination. I often add some stewed or baked apple to mashed potato, and this soup produces a richer version of the same flavour combination. You can use any kind of eating apple.


2lb/900g potatoes, chopped into small pieces

1 b/450g apples, peeled and chopped into small pieces

1 medium red onion, halved and sliced

Juice of ½ a lemon

¼ tsp nutmeg

1 pint/15fl.oz stock

1 oz/28g butter or margarine

Salt and freshly-ground pepper

Fresh parsley for garnish (optional)


Melt butter in a large heavy-bottomed pan on a low-medium flame. 

Add the onion and potatoes and fry gently for five minutes, stirring. 

Add stock, lemon juice, apples and nutmeg and bring to the boil. 

Reduce heat and simmer for 25-30 minutes, by which time the potatoes should be cooked through and even “melting” into the soup. 

Season to taste, garnish if you like that kind of thing, and serve with crusty bread. 


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