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Hungarian PM’s chief of staff posts racist rant online

HUNGARIAN Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s chief of staff has ramped up the ruling party’s racist campaign against refugees, posting a video on his Facebook page showing him in a district of Austria’s capital Vienna that he says is dirtier, poorer and increasingly crime-ridden since refugees began living there.

Janos Lazar says in the video that, in 20 years, Hungary’s capital of Budapest could look like the unidentified Vienna neighbourhood if opposition parties “let in the migrants.”

Hungary’s parliamentary elections are on April 8 and the obsessively anti-immigration Mr Orban’s Fidesz party has made migrants the focal point of the campaign.

“Evidently the streets are dirtier, evidently the area is poorer and there’s lots more crime,” Mr Lazar says in the video.

“If we let them in and they will live in our cities, the consequences will be crime, impoverishment, dirt, filth and impossible urban conditions.”

Mr Lazar said only elderly pensioners remain in the Vienna district “among whites and Christians,” while “everyone else is an immigrant” for whom “a city within a city” is being created.

“There are a great number of schools in Vienna where there are no white Viennese children left, only the children of Muslim immigrants and immigrants from the Middle East,” Mr Lazar ranted.

Yesterday, UN human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein said he stood by “every single word” of his criticism of Mr Orban, whom he called a racist and xenophobe last month.

Mr Hussein criticised Mr Orban for saying that Hungarians don’t want their “own colour, traditions and national culture to be mixed by others.”


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