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South Korean delegation to visit North for talks

A SOUTH KOREAN delegation will fly to North Korea this afternoon for talks on nuclear tensions and to help restart talks involving both Pyongyang and the United States, officials in Seoul said yesterday.

The diplomats, including Seoul’s Vice Minister for Unification Chun Hae Sung and national security chief Chung Eui Yong, will be the first known South Korean special envoys to travel to Pyongyang in about a decade.

Their trip comes during a period of goodwill resulting from co-operation between North and South in the recent Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

The 10-member delegation will conduct a two-day visit that includes talks with unidentified senior North Korean officials.

The discussions would deal with how to promote peace on the Korean peninsula, improve ties between the Koreas and improve conditions to allow for the resumption of talks between Pyongyang and Washington, South Korean President Moon Jae In’s office said.

After its Pyongyang trip, the South Korean delegation is to visit Washington to brief US officials about its talks, senior presidential official Yoon Young Chan said.


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