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Europe Czech court orders release of Kurdish politician Salih Muslim

KURDISH politician Salih Muslim was released from detention in Prague today after the Czech capital’s municipal court rejected a Turkish demand that he be extradited.

The court did not comment on its decision to order his release, which had been demanded by Kurdish solidarity and human rights activists worldwide following his arrest on Saturday.

Mr Muslim is a former co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Syrian Kurdish group whose armed wing the YPG played a key role in defending the autonomous Rojava region from Isis terrorists and is now engaged in resisting Turkey’s invasion of Afrin canton.

Ankara has offered a $1 million (£700,000) reward for his capture as it seeks to hunt down Kurdish activists beyond its borders.

Turkish agents are suspected of having fired at Kurdish footballer Deniz Naki on a German motorway in January, as well as killing three women campaigners in Paris in 2013.

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said the Prague court’s decision to free Mr Muslim “amounts to support for terrorist groups.”


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