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Palestine Occupation forces carry out dawn raid on Tamimi family's village

ISRAELI occupation forces arrested 10 people, including five minors, in a pre-dawn raid on West Bank village Nabi Saleh today.

Among those arrested was 15-year-old Mohammed Tamimi, cousin of resistance icon Ahed Tamimi, who is still missing part of his skull after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet in December.

Locals said the raid was carried out to exact vengeance on the village and Tamimi family.

A video of the raid shot by local journalist Bilal Tamimi showed Israeli soldiers spraying the village with putrid “skunk” water, which +972 Magazine says is meant for crowd control but is also used against homes and schools.

Mohammed, who was released later today, was shot in the head with a rubber-coated bullet on December 15 and is still waiting for surgery to reconstruct part of his skull removed following the incident.

Later that day, Ahed was filmed slapping two armed Israeli soldiers who refused to leave her family’s property. The 17-year-old is currently standing trial over the incident.


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