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Bolivia Deadly carnival blasts caused by dynamite

TWO DEADLY blasts that rocked carnival celebrations in Bolivia were caused by dynamite, Interior Minister Carlos Romero revealed yesterday.

The explosions earlier this month in the southern city of Oruro were originally thought to have been caused by exploding gas canisters.

Mr Romero said officials were trying to work out who planted the dynamite, six-and-a-half pounds in both cases, and why.

On February 10, the explosive was placed near a gas canister on the cart of a food vendor, who was killed along with four members of her family and three other people, he said.

The second blast, on February 13, occurred only a few yards away, killing four people.

Sixty people were injured in the two attacks.

Mr Romero said police had found a small piece of dynamite in a hotel bathroom in Oruro, which is in a mining area where the explosive is widely available.


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