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Iran Search and rescue teams reach plane crash site

IRANIAN search-and-rescue teams have reached the site of a plane crash that authorities say killed all 65 people on board, Iran’s Press TV reported today.

The Aseman Airlines ATR-72 went down yesterday in foggy weather, crashing into Mount Dena in a remote area of southern Iran. The airliner said all on board Flight EP3704 were killed, including six crew members.

The aircraft was brought back into service only months ago after being grounded for seven years.

Press TV said search teams reached the crash site before dawn. The station said the weather had improved, though it was still windy.

Transport Minister Abbas Akhoundi, who joined the air search, said the cause of the crash was still “not clear.”

Iran was banned from buying necessary plane parts for years because of Western sanctions over its nuclear programme.

The 2015 nuclear accord with world powers lifted international sanctions on Tehran in exchange for curbs on its nuclear enrichment programme, allowing Iran to purchase planes and parts.

The country has since signed deals to buy tens of billions of pounds worth of new aircraft, but US President Donald Trump’s refusal to recertify the deal has injected uncertainty into those sales.

The plane had 59 passengers and six crew members, the state-run IRNA news agency reported late yesterday, lowering the initially reported death toll of 66.


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