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Europe Ukraine sends Saakashvili packing

VAGABOND former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili was deported from Ukraine to Poland today after armed men wearing masks nabbed him in a Kiev restaurant and drove him to the airport.

Ukrainian border guard spokesman Oleh Slobodyan said Mr Saakashvili had been deported in accordance with court rulings that he was in Ukraine illegally. Poland let him in because Mr Saakashvili’s wife is Dutch, hence a EU citizen.

While Mr Saakashvili was feted during his time as Georgian president from 2004 to 2013 by Western leaders for his neoliberal economics and pro-Nato stance, he now faces several criminal charges there.

Prosecutors accuse him of abusing his power, embezzling public funds, illegally raiding a TV station and beating up an MP.

He jetted off to Ukraine shortly after the fascist-backed overthrow of the government in 2014 and was given Ukrainian citizenship and made governor of the Odessa region by President Petro Poroshenko. But the pair later fell out and he was stripped of his newly acquired citizenship.


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