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Venezuela British campaigners in solidarity with Caracas over EU sanctions

BRITISH solidarity campaigners have slammed new EU sanctions imposed on Venezuela.

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign secretary Francisco Dominguez called Brussels’s emulation of US President Donald Trump’s attacks on the country “highly regrettable.”

He said the EU, “instead of positively encouraging the dialogue with Venezuela’s right-wing opposition initiated by President Maduro,” had instead “decided to capitulate to Trump’s approach and impose sanctions against Venezuela, which it explicitly presents as political blackmail.

“This is thoroughly unhelpful and can only complicate the thus far fruitful conversations being held in the Dominican Republic,” Mr Dominguez told the Morning Star, referring to ongoing talks between the socialist government and the US-backed Mud opposition.

He urged the EU “to adopt an independent stance and support, without preconditions, the dialogue between government and opposition.”

“Regime change has not worked and will not work,” he stressed. “The Bolivarian revolution is here to stay and the will of the Venezuelan people ought to be respected.”


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