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South America EU imposes sanctions on Venezuelan ministers and officials

THE European Union imposed sanctions on seven high-ranking Venezuelan ministers and state officials today, following Washington’s lead.

EU officials claimed the seven were “involved in the non-respect of democratic principles or the rule of law as well as in the violation of human rights.”

The targeted individuals include Interior Minister Nestor Reverol, Attorney General Tarek William Saab, Supreme Court chair Maikel Moreno and National Electoral Council president Tibisay Lucena.

Also named were former Bolivarian National Guard commander Antonio Benavides, National Intelligence Service director Gustavo Gonzalez and ruling United Socialist Party chair and former parliamentary speaker Diosdado Cabello.

All will have any assets in the EU frozen and will be banned from travelling there.

Brussels said the measure “was adopted as the political, social and economic situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorate.”

Leaders of the right-wing opposition Mud alliance lobbied the European Parliament and German Chancellor Angela Merkel last year following the failure of four months of regime-change riots that left 124 dead.


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