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Sudan Communists vow to bring down ‘dictatorial regime’ as nationwide bread protests continue

Protests at soaring bread prices are continuing in Sudan’s main cities, the communist party said last night as it vowed to bring down the country’s “dictatorial regime.”

The Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) political bureau said the protests against International Monetary Fund-pushed austerity measures were still going on despite the jailing of six of its leaders in the past two weeks.

SCP general secretary Muhammad Mukhtar al-Khatieb was arrested last Wednesday.

That was a day after a party-organised march in the capital Khartoum during which central committee members Sidigg Yousif, Hashim Merghani and Kamal Karar — the latter an editor of party newspaper Almidan — were also detained.

Party treasurer Alhareth Altoum was arrested on Friday, while central committee secretary Muhi el-Dean Algalad was jailed on January 8.

Security forces seized the SCP’s newspaper al-Midan from the printing press on Thursday.

The political bureau said it would “continue the mobilisation of its members and its friends to strengthen the building of the resistance committees and establish the broadest alliance in preparation for the general political strike to topple the dictatorial regime.”


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