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South America Ecuador's Rafael Correa resigns from the party he led in government

FORMER Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa has quit the socialist Pais Alliance he led in government for 10 years.

Mr Correa handed in his resignation yesterday, Quito-based Telesur reported.

Last year, he fell out with his successor, President Lenin Moreno, over his backing of corruption charges against vice-president Jorge Glas.

Mr Correa called Mr Moreno a “traitor” and a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” who had infiltrated the Pais Alliance.

Mr Correa said some two dozen other leaders and MPs were leaving along with him, including Mauricio Proano, Liliana Duran and Esteban Melo.

Mr Correa helped found Pais in 2006 and led it to victory in the next year’s presidential election.

"Today, in the 11th year of the Citizens' Revolution, the gift of the traitors is the theft of Alianza Pais," Mr Correa wrote on Twitter.

"They can rob us of Alianza Pais, but never our will and convictions. Despite the pain, this only strengthens us."


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