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Syria US condemned over plans to grab control over Syria's borders

SYRIA, Russia and Turkey slammed the US yesterday over plans to grab control of Syria’s borders using proxy forces.

The US-led Inherent Resolve military coalition said on Saturday it had recruited 230 gunmen from the mainly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces for its “border security force.”

It aims to up that number to 30,000, ostensibly to prevent the Isis death cult crossing the borders with Turkey and Iraq.

Yesterday the Syrian Foreign Ministry called the US scheme “a blatant breach of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and a flagrant violation of international law.”

It declared any Syrian citizen who joins the US force “a traitor to the Syrian state and people,” adding that the plan would only hinder a political solution to the war.

While Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it showed that the US “doesn’t want to preserve the territorial integrity of Syria.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who appears to believe that all Kurds are terrorists, said that “the United States has admitted that it has created a terrorist force along our country’s border. Our duty is to drown this army of terror before it is born.”

In the east of central Idlib province the Free Syrian Army militia came to the aid of al-Qaida affiliated Hetesh extremists facing imminent envelopment by the rapidly advancing Syrian army.


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