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Middle East Israel continues persecution of Palestinian Tamimi family

ISRAELI occupation forces detained a teenage cousin of jailed Palestinian schoolgirl Ahed Tamimi today.

Troops seized Mohammed Bilal Tamimi, 19, in a dawn raid on his family home in the village of Nabi Saleh near the Palestinian Authority capital of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

In a video captured by his family, Mohammed is seen embracing his parents and siblings before being taken away, as his mother Nariman says:  “Stay strong my son. May God protect you from them.”

In another clip his mother is seen arguing with an Israeli soldier, who tells her: “It is none of your business what the questioning is about.”

Photos showed the youth smiling with his fist raised as he is led away by at least five troops.

Ms Tamimi, 16, was detained without trial by the Israeli armed forces last month after slapping and kicking two occupation soldiers. It later emerged that she was upset that troops had shot her 14-year-old cousin in the face days earlier.

Her family have staged repeated protests over the annexation of their land by the illegal Halamish Israeli settlement.

Local media reports said three other members of the Tamimi extended family were also arrested in raids yesterday in nearby Deir Nitham, some of them also teenagers.

Deir Nitham was where 17-year-old Musab Tamimi was shot dead by occupation forces on January 3 during a protest against US President Donald Trump’s designation of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, who was meeting Dutch Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra, said Jerusalem and the right of return for Palestinian refugees were “red lines” in peace negotiations.

Palestine Liberation Organisation executive committee member Ahmad Majdalani said earlier that this weekend’s central council meeting would debate “a formula for suspending recognition of Israel on the ground that recognition could be only done between states.”

He said Palestine could not honour previous peace agreements “while Israel does not abide by them and always violates their terms.”


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