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Former trader Nigel Farage backs rich City mates

Ukip leader Nigel Farage briefly dropped his grinning-bloke mask yesterday and spewed out a spirited defence of his rich City mates.

Former City commodity broker Mr Farage spoke out after an EU court over-ruled opposition from the British government to a new tax on financial transactions.

Mr Farage fumed: “This is a deliberate assault on the City of London.

“Just how many times does the British financial industry have to be kicked in the teeth by the European Court of Justice before Prime Minister David Cameron will shout ‘enough is enough?’'

Mr Farage, who loves to present himself as the champion of ordinary people, predicted that the tax on financial transactions would be ratcheted up in coming years “to squeeze more money from the financial services industry.”

The EU financial transactions tax — sometimes called a Robin Hood tax — is being set at the very limited level of 0.1 per cent, but will raise billions of euros in the countries where it applies.

It will not apply directly to Britain, but Britain’s Con-Dem government argues that it will still hit London’s banks and City traders.

In a sickening media spectacle yesterday, TV stations and newspapers gave wall-to-wall coverage to the “news” that Mr Farage will not be standing as the Ukip candidate in the forthcoming Newark by-election.

The tricky Mr Farage had suggested the previous night that he might just possibly contest the seat vacated by disgraced former Tory MP Patrick Mercer.

But the UKIP leader eagerly announced under the glare of TV cameras yesterday morning that he will not stand after all.

Mr Mercer stood down as Newark MP after allegedly asking parliamentary questions in return for cash. A report on his conduct is to be published this morning.

Communist Party general secretary Rob Griffiths accused Mr Farage of opposing the EU “in order to defend the spivs and speculators of the City of London from taxes and regulation.”

Mr Griffiths, who is lead EU elections candidate in Wales for No2EU — Yes to Workers’ Rights, said Mr Farage supported austerity and privatisation policies “provided they’re made in Britain.”

However, No2EU would be opposing such policies from wherever they came, while defending the real interests of workers everywhere.


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