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Taser death cops no longer clear of wrongdoing

HIGH Court judges threw out yesterday a police watchdog report that cleared officers of serious wrongdoing over the death of a man they had Tasered.

In the first case of its kind, judges Lord Justice Elias and Mr Justice Males quashed the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) report on the death of Jordon Begley at the request of the watchdog itself.

Mr Begley, from Gorton, Manchester, died in July 2013 two hours after being Tasered at his home by police.

He was also punched and restrained by armed officers, who said they believed he had a knife.

An inquest jury delivered a narrative verdict in July 2015, saying Mr Begley had been “inappropriately and unreasonably” Tasered and restrained.

And the two senior judges ruled that the IPCC report could not stand as it was flawed and “did not adequately set out material evidence.”

They also quashed the subsequent decision that the officers involved had no case to answer relating to charges of misconduct or gross misconduct. That issue will be at the centre of the fresh investigation.

Jeremy Johnson QC, appearing for both the IPCC and its chief executive, said at a recent hearing that there had been “a serious departure” from statutory requirements in the preparation of the report and there should be “a new and lawful” investigation.

He said a new investigation was the appropriate way of vindicating the right of Dorothy Begley, the mother of the deceased, to a proper inquiry under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The judges agreed in a written ruling handed down.

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