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Big rise in slavery follows Tory cuts to policing, says Abbott

SUSPECTED cases of slavery and human trafficking have doubled in the last three years, the National Crime Agency (NCA) revealed yesterday.

There were 3,805 people reported as potential victims last year compared with 1,745 in 2013, an agency report said.

The crime was most commonly reported in Britain, Albania and Vietnam.

Most slavery cases were found on cannabis farms, which made up nearly half the claims last year. Sexual exploitation was the second most commonly reported, with 1,313 allegations.

Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said: “The Tories promised in their manifesto to tackle trafficking and child exploitation.

“Instead they have imposed further cuts on the Border Force and police.”

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady added: “Slavery and abuse of working people’s rights should not be tolerated, whether in Britain or abroad. We need stronger laws and better enforcement.”


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