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Donald Trump faces frosty reception on Scotland jaunt

DONALD TRUMP has become accustomed to being greeted by large crowds following his unlikely success in the US presidential campaign.

But the billionaire Republican candidate won’t find the same fanatical support he has received during his divisive campaign when his private jet touches down in Scotland today.

Hundreds are expected to stage a protest outside the Trump Turnberry golf resort in Ayrshire that he is reopening after a £200 million refurbishment.

Organisers say that Mr Trump, who has a Scottish mother, is unwelcome because of the “racism, Islamophobia and bigotry” he has incited during his presidential bid.

Stand Up to Racism Scotland spokesman Keir McKechnie said: “His message of hate is one that we’ll challenge and we would not encourage anyone to support him in his presidency.

“Although this protest happens to be taking place in Scotland, we want to represent people across the whole of the UK and beyond who reject Trump’s racism and Islamophobia.”

Mr Trump has been snubbed by First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon and Westminster government ministers, who turned down invitations to the relaunch of the hotel where rooms start at £435-a-night.

He will also be confronted by a frosty reception when he flies north to Aberdeenshire tomorrow to visit another smaller course he owns.

Two of his neighbours have erected Mexican flags on their homes in protest against Mr Trump’s racist outbursts about migrants and plans to build a wall on the border with the country should he become president.

Almost 587,000 people signed a petition calling for the billionaire to be banned from entering Britain.


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