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TUC warns workers won’t vote for lopsided EU deal


WORKERS won’t vote to stay in an EU weighted even further in favour of big business, TUC leader Frances O’Grady warned Brussels bosses last night.


Ms O’Grady met with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker on the eve of crunch talks over Britain’s membership.


She told Mr Juncker that reforms proposed by David Cameron would not convince working people to remain in the EU.


The Prime Minister’s renegotiation terms are first item on the agenda for a two-day EU leaders’ summit that begins today.


His proposals include an “emergency break” on in-work benefit for migrants and a commitment to “competitiveness” to “cut red tape.”


Mr Cameron is set to name the date for the referendum if he secures a deal at the summit.


But Ms O’Grady said: “It won’t be politicians or business leaders who decide the referendum.


“It will be working people and their families. And yet the debate so far has just been about benefits to business.


“People will only vote to stay in the EU if it offers them more and better jobs, with a stronger voice for workers, and fair growth at its heart.”


The Star has reported concerns that Mr Cameron’s “competitiveness” demands will lead to opt-outs from employment rights, such as paid holiday, rights for part time workers and health and safety laws.


A source close to European Parliament president Martin Schulz told the Star yesterday that those issues were “not in the mix” for renegotiation however.



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