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Osborne to slash more despite economy claims

SHAMELESS George Osborne claimed yesterday that an economic slump required even more spending cuts — after boasting that he had “fixed” Britain’s economy.

The Tory Chancellor promised in his latest budget that there would be “no rollercoaster ride in public spending” because strong tax receipts showed the “recovery is firmly entrenched.”

But now he has put Britain’s poorest on notice that they will be hammered again in next month’s Budget.

In an interview with the BBC from Shanghai, where he was attending a meeting of G20 finance ministers, Mr Osborne spoke of “storm clouds” gathering over the world economy.

“We’ve just had confirmation that our own economy is not as big as we had hoped,” he admitted.

“So we may need to undertake further reductions in spending because this country can only afford what it can afford and we will address that in the Budget.”

Mr Osborne said he would have to look again at government budgets and see “where we can find that extra saving” or find “that extra improvement in the public service that might release some money.”

“Why won’t George Osborne admit he’s got it wrong?” asked People’s Assembly Against Austerity national secretary Sam Fairbairn.

“He’s spent the last six years telling us it was all Labour’s fault for overspending, yet their austerity obsession has done nothing to help the economy.

“It’s time for this government to realise they’ve failed. Their lies and spin wont work anymore and their days are numbered.”

  • The People’s Assembly has called a Health, Homes, Jobs & Education demonstation on Saturday April 16. For details check


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