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Tory job clubs are just ‘desperate electioneering’

TORY chiefs are planning to establish job clubs in an attempt to “embed” the party in communities and improve its toxic public image, the Morning Star can reveal.

Community coffee mornings run by local Conservative Party branches are also being considered as part of a “social action” plan.

The cynical suggestions, which mirror initiatives by left-wing parties such as Syriza in Greece and Spain’s Podemos, were included in the Conservatives’ recently published party review.

“A number of contributors have suggested that a more integrated approach to social action is needed and that it should be a more long-running community commitment,” it states.

“Suggestions include job clubs and community coffee mornings for the elderly and lonely.”

Party chairman and author Lord Feldman backs the plan, saying “social action is very important” and has helped other parties “successfully embed themselves in the community.”

But the initiatives have been branded desperate electioneering at a time when 15,000 steelworkers’ livelihoods are on the line because of the Conservative government’s indifference to their fate.

Labour MP Ian Lavery (pictured) told the Star: “The Tories have shown that there is no low they won’t sink to.

“They claim to be the party of working people, but all this talk of a new community-focused social action plan, including job clubs, won’t change the fact that the British steel industry is collapsing on this Tory government’s watch.

“Thousands of people are losing their jobs and communities built around steel are having their heart ripped out.

“The Tories should spare us their empty rhetoric and actually use their position as the party of government to save our steel.”


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