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Top Green to leave City Hall after 16 years

AM Jenny Jones won’t contest mayoral vote

GREEN peer Jenny Jones revealed yesterday that she will step down as a London Assembly Member after a 16-year stretch at City Hall.

She and the Greens’ only other AM Darren Johnson will not seek re-election in next May’s London elections, the pair announced before nominations for mayoral candidates close today.

Ms Jones achieved her party’s best-ever result in London when she stood for mayor in 2012, finishing third with 92,000 first-preference votes.

But she’s also ruled herself out of another pop at the mayoralty and five Greens have launched campaigns to win the selection.

Camden councillor Sian Berry is considered the frontrunner, having increased the Green vote by 20,000 votes as candidate in 2008.

She was given the ultimate Green boost with an endorsement from party MP Caroline Lucas earlier this month.

Ms Lucas described her as “dynamic, articulate and engaging” and said she could run a “grassroots, open and inclusive campaign.”

That was seen as a blow for Green leader Natalie Bennett, who had long been tipped to top the party’s election ticket despite not declaring herself in the race.

Ms Berry and rival Jonathan Bartley, the Greens’ welfare spokesman, are seen as on the left of the party.

Caroline Russell, the only non-Labour member of Islington Council, and Tom Chance, national housing spokesman and London Green co-chair, represent the traditional environmentalist wing.

Mr Chance has the support of current AM Mr Johnson but is seen as too posh for London by some members.

Green equalities spokesman Benali Hamdache is also seeking the nomination.

But a Green Party source suggested: “Many of the candidates are running for the mayoral selection in order to boost their profile and get higher up the assembly election list.”

The deadline for nominations closes today and ballot papers will be despatched on August 3 to all London Greens.

Voting closes on August 30, with the successful candidate being declared on September 2.

Ms Jones and Mr Johnson have been the only Green AMs since the 2004 elections.

Reflecting on their time, Ms Jones said: “We have greened London government, to the benefit of all Londoners.”

Sian Berry

Councillor for Highgate ward in Camden where Karl Marx is buried. Was the Green candidate in the 2008 London mayoral elections and ran the Sack Boris campaign alongside rail union TSSA in 2012. Endorsed by Green MP Caroline Lucas. 

Caroline Russell

The only Green and non-Labour member on Islington council and the party’s national spokesperson for transport. Russell has campaigned on air pollution and works for walking charity Living Streets. Represents the traditional environmentalist wing of the party. 

Jonathan Bartley

Work and pensions spokesperson who took on shadow business secretary Chuka Ummuna at the general election and increased the party’s vote share by 7 per cent. Represents the left of the party, which believes social justice must be prioritised.

Tom Chance

National housing spokesperson. He has endorsement from both Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson to become an AM, but is seen as a too posh to be the mayoral candidate by some activists.

Benali Hamdache

Equalities spokesperson and chairman of the LGBT section. Has a degree in psychology and has worked in mental health. Unite union member who has put affordable housing at the centre of his campaign. 


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