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Sheffield teachers stage second day of strike

TEACHERS at a sixth form college in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, staged a second day of strike action today over the alleged victimisation of their union representative by managers.

Members of the National Education Union (NEU) at Longley Park Sixth Form College walked out in protest at management’s treatment of union rep Duncan Blackie.

The union said that the employers, Brigantia Learning Trust, misused “performance management procedures” to victimise Mr Blackie.

The teachers staged their first day of strike action on December 18.

Sheffield NEU branch secretary Rafia Hussain said: “Members feel their ability to legitimately organise through their trade union has been seriously impeded by these actions by their employer.

“It is our view that Mr Blackie is being targeted as a trade unionist who has valiantly represented NEU members in Sheffield for 20 years.”

The teachers voted 97 per cent in favour of strike action in a ballot.

Brigantia Learning Trust, which runs five schools and colleges, was invited to comment.


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