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Scottish TUC welcomes GB Energy plans in Scotland

SCOTLAND’S trade union leaders have welcomed news that GB Energy will be based in Aberdeen, following an agreement between the Westminster and Holyrood governments. 

Officials said Great British Energy, which is set to recieve £8.3 billion of funding over this Parliament, would develop partnerships with Scottish public bodies to accelerate Scotland’s pipeline of clean energy projects.

STUC general secretary Roz Foyer said: “After the confirmation that GB Energy will be based in Aberdeen, this partnership agreement is another positive sign that the Scottish and UK governments are recognising public investment today can rebuild industries across Scotland for the future.

“In Scotland, the experience of offshore wind has been broken promises for workers and big gains for multinational companies.

“While we need to see the details, this agreement could pave the way for a new approach with all of us taking more control of how our energy system is developed and who gets the rewards.”

Prospect senior deputy general secretary Sue Ferns said: “Co-ordinated efforts across the UK’s supply chains will be essential if we are to have any chance of decarbonising the power supply by 2030, so this agreement with the Scottish government is welcome.”


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