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Campaigners rally in Irvine against Labour's fuel payment means test

PENSIONERS’ groups and trade unionists joined forced in Irvine today to call for the winter-fuel payment means test to be ditched.

Unite Community, backed by Irvine and North Ayrshire Trades Union Council and Waspi Scotland, took to the town’s beach to call on the Labour government not to wash away support for pensioners “on the tide of austerity.”

They argued that those short of claiming pension credit by as little as a pound stand to lose between £200 and £300 by the introduction of the means test.

Waspi Scotland’s Rosemary Dickson told ther Star: “They claim that this cut can be mitigated by claiming pension credit, but the new state pension is £3 above the level at which you can claim it.

“Waspi women have had their state pension delayed by six years, costing them up to £50,000.

“By taking away the winter fuel allowance you are disproportionately affecting vulnerable women.

“The people just missing out on pension credit are also missing out on dental care and opticians care, creating a cliff-edge that will cost lives.

“No proper impact assessment has been done for the removal of the winter-fuel allowance and it will be corporate manslaughter — they’ll have blood on their hands when more and more pensioners die.”

Unite Community’s Keith Stoddart added: “It is unacceptable that pensioners in this day and age have to make decisions between heating and eating.

“We are here today to send a message to Keir Starmer and all those who voted for a cut that will put thousands of lives at risk this winter.

“We are not prepared to sit back while millions have their wellbeing washed away on a new tide of austerity.”


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