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Fears grow of SNP rent controls ‘betrayal’

ANY watering-down of rent controls by Scotland’s SNP government would amount to a shameful betrayal of tenants, Scottish Greens said today.

The SNP pledged to deliver rent controls in this parliament and the policy was central to the party’s now-defunct coalition deal with the Greens.

But First Minister John Swinney raised concerns of a reversal last week when he told Holyrood of the need to create “certainty for tenants while also encouraging investment.”

Mr Swinney has already received an open letter drafted by tenants’ union Living Rent and signed by 200 SNP members calling for the policy to be implemented in full. But as fears continue to grow, Scottish Green’s Maggie Chapman added her voice to the clamour for delivery.

The North-East Scotland MSP said: “The First Minister has said that his priority is eradicating child poverty, but we can’t do that without tackling the sky-high rents that have plunged so many families into debt, poverty and insecurity.

“Rent controls and tenants’ protections can provide a strong foundation for resilient communities and a more equal society.

“If this Bill is watered down or the tenants’ protections diluted, or if the SNP caves to the vested interests of the landlord lobby, it will be a shameful betrayal of the many tenants who are on the front line of the housing emergency and need their government to be on their side.”

SNP Housing Minister Paul McLennan said the government would “continue to work with tenants, landlords and investors.” 

He added: “This will include bringing forward amendments to the Bill that will clearly set out how rent increases will be capped in areas where rent controls apply in a way that provides certainty for tenants while also encouraging investment.”


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