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Cycling Palestine supporters in Sheffield to protest against Israeli sportswashing in Tour of Britain

PALESTINE supporters will gather in Sheffield on Thursday to protest against the inclusion of Israel – Premier Tech in this year's Tour of Britain.

Jonny Feldman of the campaign groups Big Ride for Palestine and Sheffield Palestine Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid accused Israel in a press release today of trying to sportswash its genocide in Gaza.  

“British Cycling, Sheffield City Council, and the South Yorkshire Mayor make themselves complicit in the war crimes, genocide and apartheid of Israel clearly identified by the International Court of Justice,” he said.

“Russia was expelled from the Olympics and the World Cup for their invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Israel continues to be able to promote itself through sport.”

The 83rd British tour kicks off in Kelso tomorrow before heading to Darlington for stage 2, Sheffield in stage 3, Derby in stage 4, Northampton on stage 5, and Lowestoft for the final sixth stage.


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