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Young people in Scotland made more than 150 million journeys using free bus passes

UNDER-22s have made more than 150 million journeys using the Scottish government’s flagship free bus pass, Transport Scotland revealed today.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop said the scheme, introduced in January 2022, was making a “huge difference” for children, young people and their families.

“It’s not just about the number of journeys, it’s about what these journeys mean,” added the SNP minister.

“It's opening doors to new opportunities, keeping people connected and making sustainable transport more affordable, giving Scotland’s children and young people the very best chance to succeed in life.”

Anti-social behaviour problems related to the initiative have been raised by the Tories in the Scottish Parliament, but Ms Hyslop thanked “every young person who is using Scotland’s buses responsibly — and in doing so, playing their part in cutting emissions and taking climate action.”

Championed by the Scottish Greens, the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme was introduced as Cop26 came to Glasgow. Its cost had reached £222m by February this year.


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