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Scottish Greens urge SNP to press ahead with conversion therapy ban

SCOTLAND must not wait on the UK government but press ahead with its own conversion therapy ban, the Scottish Greens insisted today.

A ban on such practices, widely defined as attempts to suppress or change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, formed part of the SNP-Green coalition agreement that was dissolved by then first minister Humza Yousaf in April.

The break-up of the coalition coincided with the end of the formal consultation on the ban.

But without any movement since, Scottish Greens equalities spokeswoman Maggie Chapman has written to SNP Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville voicing concerns that it could be sidelined while the new Labour government prepares to bring forward a UK-wide ban.

Ms Chapman wrote: “So-called conversion practices are cruel and dangerous, and we must stop them for good.

“A ban is finally in sight, and we cannot allow Westminster’s timetable to knock us off course or delay vital protections for people here in Scotland.

“We have the power to act now, and we must take it.

“Victims and survivors of conversion practices deserve nothing less, and should not have to wait for another parliament to act when we have already promised action in Scotland and have the powers to deliver it.

“Far too many people have been made to suffer for far too long. We don’t have time to waste.

“I urge the Scottish government to ensure that a watertight ban is included in the next Programme for Government, and that it is introduced as soon as possible.”

A Scottish government spokesman said: “Conversion practices are harmful and abusive acts that should be banned.

“The Scottish government set out proposals for legislation in a public consultation in January.

“We are analysing and considering the consultation responses to inform next steps.”


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