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Workers build strategy to serve solidarity to Palestine

GLASGOW hospitality workers have rallied the city’s activists to build an industrial strategy in support of Palestine.

Fresh from the success of their Serve Solidarity gig in June, which saw local musicians and established acts such as Frankie Boyle and Josie Long raise more than £14,000 to send medics to Palestine, Unite Hospitality turned its energies to building more co-ordinated action.

A packed meeting on Wednesday night heard from speakers in the hospitality sector, but also from workers in health and shipbuilding, before workshops focused on how to raise consciousness of the Palestinian struggle, push employers to disconnect with the Israeli military-industrial complex and build a plan for defence diversification with workers at its heart.

Unite Hospitality’s Nick Troy, who chaired the meeting, told the Morning Star: “Since October last year, Unite Hospitality Glasgow have been building worker-led boycotts of BDS [Boycott, Disvestment and Sanctions]-listed produce in Glasgow’s hospitality spaces.

“It’s really exciting to see that campaign broaden to include our friends and comrades from across the trade union movement.

“Our aim now is to establish a city-wide, cross-union industrial committee for Palestine in order to develop, co-ordinate and nurture workplace organising against imperialism and highlight the tangible links between the domestic problems workers in Glasgow face and the foreign policy of our ruling class.

“Every day, workers across the world produce value through the commodities we create and the services we provide. This control over production can be leveraged against our employers to cut ties with the apartheid Israeli state.”

Urging more workers to get involved, Mr Troy added: “The Serve Solidarity campaign is here to provide support, advice and community to all workers interested in attacking imperialism where it is weakest: the shop floor.”

He encouraged those interested to email


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