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Scottish Labour and SNP make final pitches as polls tighten

AS POLLING stations open across Scotland the country faces a “pivotal moment,” Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar says.

He made the remarks ahead of a general election he hopes will see his party return the majority of Scots MPs once more, but his hopes were dealt a blow with a late poll — conducted over the weekend by Savanta for the Scotsman newspaper —  showing support for Labour on 31 per cent to the SNP’s 34 per cent.

“Our final Scottish voting intention before July 4 suggests the SNP is ahead of Labour, showing a modest improvement and potentially blunting their losses on election night,” said Savanta’s Chris Hopkins, adding “that being said, Labour’s vote, in particular around the central belt, will still mean it’s likely going to be a very good evening for Anas Sarwar and Keir Starmer.”

Welcoming the poll, SNP campaign director Stewart Hosie said: “The result of the election in England is a foregone conclusion and the only story left in this election is Scotland.

“It is only SNP voices in the House of Commons that will hold a Labour government to account, given that they’re going to win hands down in England.”

Undeterred, Mr Sarwar stated: “This is a pivotal moment for Scotland.

“Our country is crying out for change and today we have a chance to deliver that change.

“For 14 years the Tories have heaped misery on the most vulnerable people in Scotland, torched standards of decency in public life and forced working people to pay the price for political failure — but that can end today.

“Today Scotland can make history by voting for change with Labour — this is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss.”


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