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Four day week must be normalised, say Scottish Greens

A FOUR-DAY working week without loss of pay must be backed by the next Westminster government, according to the Scottish Greens.

The policy, widely supported by trade unions and academics, was founded by the World Economic Forum to drive down CO2 emissions and boost productivity and support a better work-life balance in the workforce.

While the policy has been trialled in Scottish government departments, the Tories have blocked similar trials in English councils and Labour has dropped its 2019 pledge of support.

Calling on the next Westminster government to change direction, working with trade unions and industry to trial the proposal, Scottish Green co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “A four-day week is an idea whose time has come.

“It would transform the way we work and have huge benefits for the health and well-being of our country.

“The Scottish Greens want to build the kind of society where people are working to live rather than living to work. We believe in an economy based on fair and rewarding work and good wages.

“The normalisation of a four-day working week will be a key part of that change.”


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